Search results: foreclosure rates information
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Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Increased Foreclosure Rates in the United States
The recent housing market boom has left many people in homes that they cannot afford with loans that they never should have been granted. This is resulting in a 72% increase in foreclosures from 2005 to 2006 according to recent reports. Foreclosure rates are increasing in 2007 due to lack of home ...
Understanding Subprime Lending And Its Implications To The Current Graduate Student
IN THE BEGINNING In a manner similar to the numerous economic crises before it, the subprime lending bust actually began decades before anyone knew it. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 pushed banks to extend more credit in communities where they operated. This drew many lenders to ...
Foreclosure Loss Mitigation - Does It Really Stop Your Foreclosure?
Foreclosure rates have been climbing at alarming rates. Much of this is due to adjustable rates on mortgages taken 3-5 years ago adjusting upwards. With the largest slice of mortgages adjusting in the next few quarters, the country faces an epidemic. Companies like Home Assure, LLC are springing up ...
This Is Only The Beginning Of The Swarm Of Foreclosure Houses
Delinquency and foreclosure rates are rising on subprime mortgages. As evidenced through the most recent results from the Mortgage Banker's Association National Delinquency Survey of first mortgage loans, foreclosure rates are on the rise. Currently, the national delinquency and foreclosure rates ...
The Mistake of Government Intervention in the Foreclosure Crisis
With continuing record foreclosure rates, more people, pundits, and politicians are calling for more direct involvement by the government in the market. Freezing rates, punishing banks, and offering rates as low as 0% to borrowers have been proposed. But holding the banks themselves accountable ...
Foreclosure Tsunami Continues in California
The foreclosure tsunami in California continues unabated. More foreclosures were started in California during the second quarter of 2007 than any comparable period in over ten years. We need to go all the way back to 1997 to see such record volume of foreclosures within the state. What has caused ...
Foreclosure Rates Are Climbing - When Will They Stop?
January 2008 saw another large jump in foreclosure filings. Nationwide, filings for foreclosures jumped 57 percent, causing 45,327 homeowners to lose their homes to bank repossessions. This is yet another indication that our national real estate markets fears are far from over. Although this ...
Massachusetts Foreclosures - A Brief Guide To Getting Started In Investing In Them
Earlier, buying a home in Massachusetts was only for working class American families. Middle class families were struggling for a home there. However, times have changed with the real estate boom and now the properties available here in unexpected lower rates. The reason behind the lower rates of ...
Separating Fact From Fiction - Is There A Real Mortgage Crisis?
Despite the media hype surrounding the current mortgage "crisis" in the United States, the perils of the subprime lending industry are not as universally devastating as you may have been led to believe. While the reported losses and foreclosure rate increases are alarming in and of themselves, they ...
Florida Foreclosure Rates Continue to Increase
According to various reports, Florida foreclosure rates jumped five percent in Q2 of 2007. Although many Florida counties are feeling the foreclosure punch some counties are feeling it even harder, such as Lee County, with a twenty-eight percent increase. On the other hand, Clay County saw a ...